On Sunday, President Bola Tinubu gave his word that his administration is committed to transforming governance in order to refute the myth that the economy is weak and crawling.

At the Presidential Villa in Abuja, President Tinubu provided the assurance while holding bilateral political discussions with Olaf Scholz, the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, and his entourage.


At the event, the president urged increased collaboration between the German government and the sectors of security, natural resources, education, and democracy.

The President thanked the German government for increased collaboration in a number of sectors, but stated that distractions from his concentration on leading the nation had been eliminated since the Supreme Court’s affirmation of his election last Thursday.

He said, “Nigeria is still in the crawl, but we are committed to altering the story and installing a revolutionary administration in the nation.

German Chancellor Scholz responded by emphasising the need for more cooperation on infrastructure, especially in the areas of energy and power.

In addition, he expressed gratitude to President Tinubu for his involvement in ECOWAS and urged cooperation in preserving peace and stability throughout Africa and the wider globe.


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